Pitching Drills
-Core Velocity Belt-
Double Hop
You are going to throw this as if you're lifting your leg out of the stretch, but you're going to take 2 hops towards your partner. The 2nd hop forces you to really load your weight and get a better pelvic tilt.
Rocker Throws
Simple drill - the ball is in the glove and you rock forward, rock back (getting the weight over the back side) and then throw home.
Turn and BurnsBackpedal or take a few quick steps backwards and then turn and throw. This drill gets your momentum going towards your target and often times, the pitcher feels like they can throw harder just by throwing this way. Try and blend that momentum into the pitching motion.
Walk Into Windup
Walk towards the target and walk right into the windup. Be careful not to rotate too much into the "balance" position at the top. This is a good drill to superset with turn and burns.
Hip Drill (also called Hershiser Drill)
Great drill for kids that lead with their front shoulder or lead knee/foot. This begins to teach kids what it's like to lead with the hips. I like this drill to build awareness, but not necessarily something that should be daily.
Marshalls - Late Launch
Looks goofy, but it works on a release point out in front of the throwing shoulder.
Wrist Flicks
Step Behind with Arm Swing
You must rock back over your back hip and you spin on your back foot. You'll start the drill on your back toes, but you should finish on your pinky toe. When you're finished throwing, try to achieve a complete 180 degree shoulder turn.
Lead foot extended out in front slightly closed. With this drill, you'll take 2-3 rocker steps. When the foot comes in closer to the body, the upper body moves in sync too. After 2-3 rocker steps, throw, and follow through.
Walk Into Rotation
Face your partner and take a few steps in the direction you're throwing. The critical part of this drill is to keep the back foot pointed directly at your target. This is 90 degrees different than the direction your foot is on the mound against the rubber. When you throw, rotate to make a good throw, but make sure the foot stays pointed at the target.
Hook 'Em 1
Hook 'Em 2
Hook 'Em 3
Cleat Show
Leading with Heel